
How to Access an AOL Email Account With POP3 or IMAP?

Is there anyone who knows how to access an AOL email account with POP3 or IMAP. I am facing some issues while trying to access it. Help me.

Sandra Williams 1   Ans 5 months ago
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Access an AOL Email Account With POP3 or IMAP

Do you wish to learn how to access AL email through another service provider like Gmail, Windows Mail, or Outlook and various other apps on your mobile phone, then you have opened up the right page. 

Choose Your Email Program 

The steps that you are required t carry out for setting up your AOL email account may differ from program to program. Therefore, you need to choose your program first and then apply the steps.

Settings to Access AOL with IMAP Email Program 

If you wish to access your AOL account using IMAP, then you need to confirm that your email client supports IMAP. In case it does, then you must create a new account and enter the details in the relevant sections for the configuration of your email clients to access AOL Mail. 

If you wish to set up outgoing mail using AOL servers, then enter the details in addition to the AOL password and login screen name. 

  • AOL Mail SMTP server address:
  • AOL Mail port using SSL/TSL: 587
  • Mail TLS/SSL required: Yes

Settings to Access AOL with Any POP3 Email Program

In case your email client does not support IMAP, then you can enter a POP3 account with the settings to read your email in an account other than the AOL account. 

  • AOL Mail POP server:
  • AOL Mail POP login: Your AOL screen name
  • AOL Mail POP password: Your AOL screen name password
  • AOL Mail SSL required: Yes

You need to set up an outgoing AOL mail by entering a password and screen name together with the settings mentioned below. 

AOL Mail outgoing mail server:

AOL Mail Port using SSL/TLS: 587

Steffan 21 December 2022