
How to Fix Safari Not Working on Mac Computer?

Please let me know that how to fix Safari not working on Mac computer. I am facing some issues while using safari on Mac. Help me.

Tymal Boult 1   Ans 7 months ago
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Fix Safari Not Working on Mac Computer:

Apple Safari is the default browser pre-installed on your Mac. It is the preferred choice amongst Mac users because of its privacy integration and simplicity. But the browser may come across issues at the time of software updates. This may lead to the problem of Safari not working on Mac computer. Below, we have mentioned some troubleshooting techniques that can help you fix Safari not working on Mac computer. 

The Safari browser has a few nifty features. The unification of URL bar and tabs and grouping of similar tabs using the tab group. Moreover, the in-built translator is one of the most amazing features. The Apple ecosystem enables you to streamline your workflow by linking other devices.

Nevertheless, not every person can make use of these features. A lot of users have launched a complaint on the forum that they aren't able to open any website on the browser.

Related: How to Update Safari without Upgrading MacOS?

There are other users who have mentioned that their browser is changing constantly and some have even mentioned that they can't open their Safari browser. If you are encountering any such problems, then take a look at the different troubleshooting solutions mentioned below. 

1) Restart your Mac Computer

This is one of the basic troubleshooting solutions that you can try to fix your problem before you move on to the advanced solutions.

Below are the simple steps that you need to follow in order to restart your Mac computer. 

Step 1: Go to the Apple menu from the menu bar. 

Step 2: After that, select the Restart option from the sub-menu. 

Step 3: Confirm restarting the Mac device by selecting the Restart command. 

Once it restarts, check whether the Safari not working problem is fixed or not. It will help you resolve underlying problems with unsuccessful updates and then your Safari will start working normally. 

2) Force Quit Your Safari Browser

In case the background processes of your browser are not working the way they are supposed to, then the browser may face some issues. Hence, it is important for you to stop all the processes by force closing the browser.

Below are the steps that you need to follow to force close the Safari browser on Mac. 

Step 1: First of all, go to the Apple menu bar.

Step 2: Now, go to the drop-down menu and then select the Force Quit option. 

Step 3: Choose the Safari app from the list. 

Step 4: Select the Force Quit button. 

This will close all the Safari processes in the background as well as the foreground. Just reopen the browser in a normal way to check whether the problem with Safari is resolved or not. 

Related: How to Remove Malware from Safari on Mac?

3) Install Software Updates

Apple introduces software upgrades from time to time. These upgrades are bundled with updates for the browser. These updates have a few features. The updates fix the bugs, enhance the security and enhance the performance of your browser. Hence, you should download and install these updates whenever possible.

Below are the steps that you need to follow to update the Safari browser on your Mac. 

Step 1: Select the Apple icon and then choose System Preferences from the sub-menu. 

Step 2: Now, choose a software update program from the list. 

Step 3: After that, select the link for More info. 

Step 4: Check the checkbox against the Safari browser for installing the updates.

Step 5: After that, select the Install Now command.  

The download will start and then the Safari update installation will get completed. 

When you are done, restart your PC and then open your Safari browser to check if it's working on your MacOS or not. In case, installing the updates does not fix your problem of Safari not working on Mac computer, then move on to the next solution. 

Related: How to Allow or Block Pop-ups in Safari Mac Computer?

4) Delete Safari Browser 

Cache stored on the browser can also lead to the browser not working problem. This may impact the speed of your browser and its functionality.

Below are the steps that you need to follow to delete cached files. 

Step 1: First of all, you need to open your Apple Safari browser

Step 2: Go to the Safari menu and then select Preferences from the sub-menu. 

Step 3: After that, go to the Advanced tab

Step 4: Check the option of "Show develop menu in the menu bar". 

Step 5: Now, select the Develop menu from the menu bar. 

Step 6: After that, choose "Empty Caches" from the drop-down menu. 

This will clear all the cache stored on your Safari browser.

Cyrus neal 2 years ago
