
Link or Share an Email in your (AOL Mail) Email Account?

Is there anyone who knows about Link or share an email in your (AOL Mail) email account. I am facing these issue while doing this. Help me.

Destin Porter 1   Ans 6 months ago
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Link or Share an Email in your (AOL Mail) Email Account:

AOL Mail does not let you share messages through the webmail interface. However, it supports IMAO, which means you can use other email programs such as Mailspring for creating sharable links and checking emails from the threads. Below are the steps that you are required to carry out to link or share an email in your 

Step 1: Download Mailspring

The first thing that you need to do to create a sharable link is to download the Mailsping app. This app is free for checking your emails. It has many amazing features such as keyboard shortcuts and customizable themes. This feature works well on Windows 10, Windows 8 and Windows 7. 

Step 2: Sign in to Your AOL Account

Now, run Mailspring, and then you need to select SMTP/IMAP on the setup screen. Type-in the connection settings for your AOL account and then select Continue. It is a full email client and enables you to check AOL email without using the web interface. After that, your email will appear in a few minutes. 

Step 3: Create a Shared Link 

When you see a message in Mailspring, select the Share icon for opening the sharing panel and then select the checkbox of "Share this thread". Copy the link appearing before you and then share the same. 

If you have the link, then you can view your conversation and then download attachments. If you see new emails in your conversation, then Mailspring will add it to the link you have shared. You can stop the conversation at any point of time by checking the checkbox of "Share this thread". 

So, this is how you link or share an email in your

Steffan 25 January 2023