How to Cancel Your Netflix Account?

Netflix is one of the few services that make canceling a subscription simple. It's also not that difficult to find. It isn't hidden in deep layers of menus, nor does it need you to call and speak with a real person. No, all you have to do to cancel Netflix is visit the following website: That's simple. It's almost too simple. Let’s see how to cancel your Netflix account.

There are a few things to keep in mind concerning the Netflix cancellation page:

If you cancel your Netflix account, they will save your choices for ten months if you decide to come back and don't want to start over. As a result, all of your profiles, preferences, and viewing history "will be waiting for you," as the saying goes.

Other Netflix subscription plans are also available. So, if you merely want to save some money without eliminating Netflix, you might want to keep it around. Netflix isn't the only place where you may cancel your Netflix subscription. If you've set up billing through Google Play or iTunes, you'll need to go into those accounts to cancel your subscription. Here's what's going on:

Cancel from Netflix Using Google Play :

If you pay for Netflix with your Google Play account, you'll have to cancel it through it as well. This is how you do it.

  • Visit for more information. If you haven't already, sign in to your Google account.
  • Locate Netflix in your subscription list and click the cancel button.

If you'd rather cancel your Netflix account through the Google Play Store app on your Android device, follow the same steps.

  • On your phone or tablet, go to Google Play Store.
  • Press the Menu icon.
  • Select an account.
  • Subscriptions to Consider
  • After that, select Netflix and then cancel.

Cancel from Netflix Using iTunes :

This is something you can perform on your Mac with iTunes or your iPhone or iPad using your iPhone or iPad. Here's what's going on.

Cancel Netflix in iTunes on a Mac:

  • Open iTunes and choose Account from the drop-down menu at the top of the screen.
  • Then select "View My Account" from the drop-down menu.
  • Scroll to the bottom of the page to the Settings section.
  • Now select Manage.
  • Select Edit to the right of the Netflix subscription.
  • Select Cancel Subscription from the drop-down menu.
  • Confirm your selection.

Remove from Netflix on an Iphone :

On an iPhone, it's a little easier.

  • To access the menu, open the Netflix app and tap the menu icon.
  • Select an account.
  • Select Cancel Streaming Plan from the drop-down menu.
  • It'll send you to the iTunes subscriptions page right away.
  • Now go to Netflix and cancel your subscription.
  • Confirm your selection. That is all there is to it. It's quite straightforward.
  • Published by: Jhon
  • Category: Netflix
  • Last Update: 1 week ago